יום שלישי, 13 באוקטובר 2009

Free riding on giant horses, causing healing body and soul

The reason you need to go through this baring of your inner self is this: Before you ask your horse for honesty, you have to willingly be honest with and about yourself, to make a safe place for honesty and pain to come out. There is no better place to start than with yourself. This is not an easy thing to do, you will be resistant for fear of feeling pain, confusion, doubt. Facing truths about your life is not always easy, but this is necessary. Your horse cannot trust you until you can be honest with yourself. Once you come to these terms with yourself, you can go on to honestly say to your horse: " it’s ok...it is safe for you to open yourself up to me, nothing bad will happen...don’t be afraid".

Like you were, the horse will most likely will be resistant for fear of → pain → confusion → doubt. Not sure if they can stay in control. Not sure if they want to face these truths about their life. Like you are feeling right now.